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Monthly Archives: June 2010

Daily Affirmations I and II – gratitude can be fun..ny.

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Based on the youtube video, Jessica’s daily affirmations, I created my own daily affirmations videos. This is Jessica’s and it will cheer you up to no end, and maybe even inspire you to create your own!  It’s had like 3 million + views.

I can’t compete with Jessica, but damn it, I can climb on a bathroom counter!

And in a random act of silliness one more daily affirmation antic at the top of a waterfall. The words are hard to hear, but do include my likes for everyone, and “I like my butt in the camera'” and magic and waterfalls and “I can’t believe I’m dressed this way and doing this video”… that sort of thing..

The end is the best… you get to see the waterfall…

I know life isn’t always fun, but the more we can bring fun into it, the more our spirits are lifted.  Making these videos fed my soul.  The feedback from sharing them has been a delight.  Go Play.

Yes, nows a good time.

And if you are so inspired to video the antics, do share with others. Fun is a good thing.

Amaranteen Flower

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by Janet L. Whitehead copyright 2010

Amaranthine: eternally beautiful and unfading; everlasting, and has been used in reference to an unfading imaginary flower.  “Perfect!” I thought, “what a beautiful age to be!”  And so, I celebrated my amaranteenth birthday in May and drew a picture to prove it. Well, no, I drew it to remind me I’m amaranteen, just in case I forget.