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Monthly Archives: March 2016

Wow, what a setup for failure! And I’m not talking about ideas that go missing.

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I’m proud to be a bad poet… always quick ramblings triggered by a birthday, a question, or in this case a friend’s poem about a toaster. Oh, and by a question which was one I happened to ask our local group of muses. (Which means our local group of eclectic, funny, diverse, very interesting people with creative thinking and doing or sometimes not getting around to it, as our bond)

Here was the question prior to a get together at Red Beard Coffee (that’s important to know.. you’ll see): Anyone want to bring a demo/piece/tool/ quirk  of their current favourite creative expression?… a trigger line for us to write a poem, a tool that you seem to constantly be using, a painting technique, a way you made toast when the toaster died?

But back to poetry…it just hasn’t become a place that I spend time connecting words into rhythm and magic.  Even with bad poetry, though, if I’m looking to figure something out, bad poetry, like all creative expressions, will always reveal something worth knowing. This poem had a purpose up front though…


No one else can see my quirk

It hides where others cannot lurk

Odd insights, strange stories; all day are told

Some so subtle, some so bold

They hide within my chatty mind

A little hard, then, for others to find

Like the tree that falls in the forest, does sound exist if no one heard?


No matter if others don’t hear…

I’m entertained all day… and I want to end this line, (cuz it almost rhymes) with Red Beard*.


Besides the toaster poem, I was inspired to write this because of all that is ‘out there’ saying that those creative ideas in your head are meaningless if something isn’t done about them.  I was inspired to write this by how often I’ve heard people be so upset with themselves because they had a great idea in the night and did not wake up enough to write it down….and then it was gone, gone, gone..

To all that I say, Wow, what a setup for failure! My god if we were meant to produce something from every creative thought or idea, I know people who would need twenty lifetimes just to produce the ideas that run through their head in a month, or even a week, or even a day, or sometimes even a highly idea-inundated hour!

Want to be outrageous with me?

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The Outrageous List 

The New Year: A fresh start, yes. Yet, too often it comes with a heavy pressure to make changes. As if you aren’t good enough already. Sheesh.

If you happen to be heading into the new year with resolutions and they don’t feel awesome… quick, let them go now. I have a better idea.

What if, instead, you simply choose to ignite your spark?  Wake up that feeling that really lifts your spirits, makes you laugh, throws you into new and wild wonderful directions of thinking? The spark that reignites the energy that is the true fuel for getting things done, for making changes, and for connecting to what really does matter for you? And even more importantly, that spark that can and will get you through whatever life throws your way.

Yes, it’s important, that spark. Willing to experiment with that concept?  The thing is, it’s seldom logical thinking that ignites the spark. Logical tends to keep us exactly where we are. Imagination, playfulness, creative thinking… those can lead us to that soulful brilliant spark we all have within us.

A little outrageous and ridiculous thinking, as it happens, is one little tool that can help us sneak past all that logic…

The Outrageous and Ridiculous and Possibly Impossible List 

Example -here’s mine:
A group of people on a boat

Description automatically generated with low confidence

1. Apply as crew on a replica viking ship travelling from the Netherlands to America. (Logically, it is very unlikely I would even be considered given my age and limited experience) So why would I apply? You’ll see.

2. Be in London in April to celebrate at the Book Release Party  for “The Strawberry Girl” with the author, Lisa Stromme, my client and friend.  Hers is the fairytale story of  an author. Like any fairytale, it comes with the obstacles overcome, the ups, the downs, and the happy ending of having a novel about to be published in so many countries, I have lost count.  My part in this is a fairytale story of a coach, witnessing this extraordinary woman’s process to reach such a grand result. And so, against all odds, (because my life has been a bit crazy and I don’t have a clear picture of how I will make this work) I want to celebrate in person with Lisa.

3. Alternative idea: A celebration with Lisa in her home country of Norway before I leave on the Viking ship. Oh, I do like this option. 

So, why would I come up with outrageous goals that hardly seem possible? Because this is the stuff my imagination loves. Because I can feel my mind automatically releasing limiting beliefs that can stop me (they can sneak in no matter how hard one works at keeping them at bay!)  Because making a list like this ignites my adventurous soul. Because applying for the Viking crew makes me laugh out loud, and filling out the application is empowering. Because if I don’t get to do these things, it doesn’t matter… the thoughts alone have already kindled that wild spark in me, reminding me it exists and how very important it is to me. The spark alone gives me energy and it will continue to play out in all walks of my life, perhaps sometimes outrageously, more often subtly and gently guiding my actions, guiding my choices, supporting me through ups and downs, and making me feel happy.

Your turn? Simply make the outrageous list, and feel the spark ignite as you write it, research it, and process the ideas in your mind. Acknowledge that feeling: truly consciously be aware of it. Feel it in your body, mind and soul. Invite it to hang out with you more often. That’s enough to make a difference as you head into the new year. Honestly, it’s almost like magic how it can guide you.

What the world needs now…

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You know that moment when you feel absolute unconditional love.. a love that will last forever? Perhaps when you hold that newborn baby, or the dog in your lap looks at you with those unconditional loving eyes, and you just know? You know you will love them no matter what happens. No matter how they behave. No matter whether they make mistakes or even if they ever choose not to love you. You just love them unconditionally, No. Matter. What.  Can you feel that feeling?
Today, on International Women’s Day, I wish that every woman in the world could feel that way about themselves. Pure unconditional love. A lofty wish, I know. Maybe if you just try it, somehow that energy will ripple out. Men, I wish it for you, too. Just imagine the world if this could happen.