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Category Archives: Creativity

Finding Magic, Hearing Crashes on the Rooftop

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painted christmas tree


“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”   




Christmas: it is a celebration of magic, with choices of what that means to each of us…

  • A celebration of the Spirit of Santa, love, family, friends
  • A celebration of spiritual events of many cultures and endless centuries that seem to all coincide with this time of year
  • A celebration of the magic of our earth, the sun, and the galaxy creating seasons, now turned Winter on the solstice.
  • Other (I’m sure some of you have other)

The earth, the universe, the spirits, all the magic – it does just fine on its own without our interference. The gift given to us as mortals is to have the opportunity to notice and truly feel the magic; expand our limited thinking to become a conscious part of it.

And there is a way. At Christmas: there’s another celebration that is key – the children. We need only learn from the children, who know so much more than we who have grown up and had it knocked out of us by some false sense of ‘reality’ and ‘fitting in.’

Innately, we know the children are our gifts and can teach us the magic. At Christmas, we most honour them and their belief in magic, than we do anything else during the season. We act as if it’s our adulting job to humour their imagination, but that’s not true. We do it because we still want to believe and, for the majority of adults, only through the children can we vicariously connect with the magic. Still, we knock it out of them as they grow because as adults we’ve grown a bit stupi… er… less wise. We just follow like sheep with what happened to us.

A child has a brilliant imagination. And, people, it is imagination that is the key to a higher level of connection and knowing. Children ARE wiser and more attune to all that is, than we adults who lose it and then think we are the teachers. No, adults, we are not the teachers. Sure, we can teach good eating habits, and healthy choices, and math and spelling and much more. But not spirituality, not ‘knowing’, not intuition, not inner wisdom, not imagination. Kids are born with all of that. We could, however, be the expert support systems who both learn from the children and support and encourage their way of being.  (And yes, grown ups can relearn… more on that below)

When the child hears the reindeer on the roof, or is certain Santa is in the home – they are right. They’ve connected at a higher level to the extra magic that arrives at Christmas. They can feel it in a way they’ve heard in stories – because Spirit does what it can to help us mortals recognize there is so much more to our universe than what we can see with our eyes.

A scuffling of reindeer hooves heard so clearly in a higher consciousness moment between child and spirit – there is nothing more real than that.

I am fortunate to have had enough otherwise inexplicable magical experiences to allow me to not entirely grow up into an unbelieving adult. And it is because I believe, that I heard the crash on the roof and scuffling of hooves in the wee hours of Christmas this year. It is because I still believe that, (after listening briefly in an adult way to make sure no one was crying), I could simply fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

If you have found the magic, celebrate. If you are searching, find a child. If there is no child nearby,  take yourself back to you childhood. Let go the thought: “It was only my imagination.”  Sometimes a simple writing trigger like the following can be all you need to reconnect:  “I remember that moment of magic when…”

Merry magic to all!

Ps. Those magical experiences I mentioned? I just couldn’t let those stories go unwritten: “Beyond All Imaginings – a magical memoir”


Hauntings and Heroes

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Almost six months since the launch of Writerly Kits; the third kit is out; and oh, what a learning curve.

Need a brain workout? Start up a new business!

It’s been a roller coaster, but each time the kit is put together and sent out, I feel pretty good about it. When writers share how the kits and contents are working for them, I do feel like I’m on the right path.

I know the challenges of starting and finishing written works – both my own, and my clients. I also know that those stories haunting to be told can only be told by the hauntee!

And most of all? I know the almost indescribable feeling of holding that published book in hand. I know – that’s lazy of me. I really ought to take more time to describe the feeling. For now, here’s a little link to a brief moment when a box of my books arrived!  Right here.

All of this is why I am passionate to support writers to get to their books. And now I’m happy to reveal Kit # 3 –

Hauntings and Heroes.

May it support writers to get their damn books done, too.


This classy and magical kit arrived at the perfect time of year to for writers to make friends with their creative monsters and the book that haunts to be written.

What’s Included:

Birchwood Writerly Box: a treasure all on it’s own. Designed and crafted by Kyle Rankin at Kamloops Makerspace. Supporting our creative community!

100 Demon Dialogues by Lucy Bellwood: This illustrated book is so inline with our Novel Minds Process – the process that uses your imagination to explore, discover and play with the characters in your head. Writerly subscibers will love, and relate to, Lucy’s demons so much that I’m sure they’ll soon get to love the nasty little inner critics in their mind, plus give much more credit to the hero who can get them to their creative process more often and more easily! Also, the cover of this book is extraordinary: Inspiration for future covers for the writers.

Author’s Letter from Lucy Bellwood: Such an authentic letter from one writer to another, about her life as a writer. Written from a geranium-studded balcony as she tours with her new book.

Almost Blank Notebook: During Nanowrimo, or anytime, practise the technique of Lucy Bellwood. Comes with random quotes. We trust that synchronicity makes sure the quotes are the right ones for each kit recipient.

Singing Wands: Pure magic to clear the way for writing or for life. Each one unique in it’s look and it’s sound. Incredibly grateful that the creator, Bip Nelson, supported our writers in this beautiful way.

Porcelain Writerly Candle Pot: Made with love by the curator, who is also a ceramic artist. Our writerly ship, cogs, damn book done may be found on each one, highlighted with 24 kt fire-on gold. Nothing like lighting a candle to mark the start of a writing session. Comes with silver and gold teacandles.

Raven Keychain: A charming bronze keychain with a quote from Alice in Wonderland. A nice reminder that you are a writer, no matter what is going on in your day.

Inky Sisu Editing Tips: A great collection of tips from professional editor, Leena Niemela, to keep in mind as writers head into their writing, plus what is handy to know when it is time to get their book edited.

A pen, of course! From our ever growing collection of ‘great pen’ finds.

Wellness Teas: A collection of organic teas to provide a little balance to all the coffee writers are likely to drink during Nanowrimo!

Best Damn Licorice Ever: I was stunned by how delectable Panda All Natural Licorice is! For those who don’t love licorice, we recommended it be used as a bribe for beta readers, editors or small children.

Theobroma Chocolate Bar: Yummy and organic, a treat to celebrate writing times! Or, you know, maybe the minute the kit is open.

S.I.P.s: A collection of unique writing tips, triggers, and inspiration to keep you writing, especially handy when one feels stuck.

If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done in your life?

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Now there’s a somber thought.  I know.  But that question, “If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done in your life?” is the question that led me to finish and publish my memoir, Beyond All Imaginings.

In my life and creativity coaching practise, I have, on occasion, asked a client that question. When I asked myself the question, the answer,  “FINISH THE BOOK!” screamed in my head.   THE book… not the first, not the only, but THE book that is a memoir of a very strange and magical time in my life.

Sure, I was procrastinating. It’s a strange story to tell. What would people think?

BUT, the moment I asked myself the question and heard the answer, I knew it was essential to my soul to publish the story.

There are no words to describe  the feeling of publishing a book that means so much to you. I’m a writer and I don’t have the words. Satisfying, contentment, peaceful, relieved, a purpose completed, frightening and fulfilling, honouring the loved ones, honouring the magic.  These words don’t say enough but if I bundled them into a new word and sprinkled them with magic, that might do it.

Because it has always been a constant in my life, coaching and otherwise, to know of people who truly want to write, but who just can’t seem to get to it,  I suppose it’s been a natural progression to take my passions and find a way to support more writers to get to their writing.  Nobody else can tell the stories that are haunting them to be written. And the magic of writing and sharing the stories? It matters. So much.

But back to the question. Step away from my answer about writing my book.  Ask yourself:

If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?

Take a moment, listen to your answer.  Might you honour that answer?


Here’s my book, with a little excerpt:

bai thumbnail for musingalong


bai excerpt art better

Curious? If you’d like to read more about it, pop over  here

If you’d like a signed copy, please let me know. I love the synchronicities and connections that seem to happen when I’m signing a book for someone!  (


Writerly – Why? What? What’s next?

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Hello my favourite people who follow the blog I am most likely to keep up!

You may have noticed I’m getting to put all my creative passions into a new project: Writerly Kits.  Coaching, creativity coaching. Writing. Painting. Pottery. Coffee. Ships. Alternate Identity Trading Company. A hint of magic.  Insightful contributions from grandchildren. And especially, supporting others to find their best way to get to the things that truly matter. That matters.

I’m delighted by this project. Only the endless learning around getting the word out there is a bit of an … um… endless learning. Ha ha. But I’m learning.

I’m sharing what’s inside these Writerly Kits. Just thought you’d like to know more about this crazy project.
I’d absolutely love to hear what you think about this concept, and would appreciate any ideas you’d like to share.  Thanks in advance!

September “Imagination Gone Wild”  2018 Kit Reveal

Imagination Gone Wild!

The Theme: Landing on doorsteps now, an  experience that will take your imagination and intuition to a whole new level!  Really, this is a gift for you from your imagination.

As creative folks, I know you already have a good imagination. You already do think outside the box. But, we do end up creating a new box – it’s a weirder shape than the average box  but it, too, can use some wild ways to take it up a notch;  for writing our books, for making it easier to get to our writing, and even more, to enhance all we do in our lives.

What’s included:

Birchwood Kit: Value $40

Writerly Notebook and Planner: Value $44  An unusual twist –  getting to use your imagination to help you get organized and focussed in a way that makes sense to you. Our imagination is everything – including key to making those typically logical left brain functions work better!

For your planner, we’ve included:

  1. Birchwood engraved notebook covers, designed by us and created by Kyle Rankin and Kamloops Makerspace.
  2. Dividers with a pocket, an old fashioned library card,and an oldstyle luggage tag.
  3. Sections:
    1. Weekly planner pages
    2. Creativity and imagination builders
    3. Quality plain paper
    4. Lined paper
    5. Post-it dividers
    6. Art paper
    7. Torn paper (with a purpose!)

Sharpie Fine Art Pens:  Value $5 The best thing Sharpie has made yet, we think!

Alternate Identity Trading Company Cards: Value $12  A collection of wild characters nagged to be included to assist writers as they take their imaginations to a whole new level, or ten.

Character stickers: Value $4  Explore traits, quirks, and even sleeping habits of the characters in your stories, (or even in your novel mind!) Great moveable stickers for your writerly notebook!

Zack’s Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans: Value $5   Locally roasted and loved and wow to kicking your imagination in gear!

Zack’s Costa Rica Blend Coffee Beans: Value $4  A favourite in town!

Imagine Calm Lavender:  Value $5  To calm that wild mind when needed. Grown, harvested and created by children who also sprinkled extra magic on top.

Do Not Disturb Door/computer hanger:  Value $ 6  Fun, isn’t it?

Letter from Indie Author, Dennis Staginnus:  Priceless support and encouragement

Letter to and from your imagination: $3

Green Tea packets: $1

Wood Kit total retail value: $129

Kraft Kit total retail value: $89  (1st and 4th kits are wood, 2nd and 3rd  kits arrive in our beautiful kraft manuscript size box, repeating)

All for subscriber price of $68 (or less if you choose 6 month or yearly subscription options)

This kit is too precious not to make available for a little longer. Check it out here  


What’s Next?

Arriving on your doorstep just in time for
Hallowe’en and NANOWRIMO

Not kitschy Hallowe’eny – this classy kit arrives at a perfect time of year to make friends with your creative monsters and the book that haunts you.
This is the boost you’ll love to get your damn book done!


And this is what was in our first ever Writerly Kit:  “Seaworthy”
July 2018

Item by item reveal, plus a sweet box opening video here.

Imagination Gone Wild

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gone wild themeWow, time is flying and I’m planning the second Writerly Kit!  Imagination Gone Wild.  Those following here can already imagine how much fun this is for me.

I get to use my imagination creating all that this kit is.  It’s like I’ve found the perfect work: Doing the things I love: coaching, creating, imagining, sprinkling with magic and supporting others to live that life/passion/idea, AND write that story, that matters to them. Sigh.

As long as I keep reaching people, (oy, that’s the marketing end. Not quite so fun, though, Instagram is more interesting than I first suspected), Writerly Kits really is a great place to put my energies.  Imagination as our second theme is also a perfect fit. I’ve been an advocate for imagination, in work, play, story, art, since the 80’s!

Here’s the tidbit about our latest theme. Enjoy!:  

As creative folks, I know you already have a good imagination. You already do think outside the box. But, we do end up creating a new box – it’s a weirder shape than the average box  but it, too, can use some wild ways to take it up a notch;  for writing our books, for making it easier to get to our writing, and even more, to enhance all we do in our lives.  You and your imagination are going to have an extraordinary time together.

You’re going to need the unusual coffee included in this one, and the very original and unusual magical item.

I’ll say no more.

(Actual contents aren’t posted until boxes ship out the end of August, so subscribers have their chance to explore their writerly kit. Don’t we all just love surprises? )

Join me on instagram?  @writerlykits



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It’s a pretty great feeling to realize you really are doing what you love.

Writerly Kits is happening! My new venture is up and running and I could not be more delighted by all that it is.

ONE; everything I love to do, and am decent at, gets to go in these lovely boxes.  It’s like an event in a box that let’s others find their own answers to their best way of getting to what they love – while having fun!

And these are things I love:

  • Theme planning,
  • creating the discovery content from the coaching and Novel Minds process,
  • creating the graphics, the art… and sometimes even the pottery;
  • collaborating with authors I love
  • collaborating with others to include very cool items that support writers;
  • testing coffees that may pass the test and end up in the boxes;
  • stay true to my passion for organic products, less waste, a healthier earth, supporting artisans and companies in line with my values.
  • and then.. THEN… building a community that supports each other!

These are all things that scream “Janet, You LOVE this!”

TWO:  People who might not otherwise access coaching, (because it is hard for a writer to justify the cost of coaching) will find this accessible, affordable and do-able.

Writerly Kits is curated especially for writers. Dear to my heart. I know the struggles.  But, what if you are not a writer? I suspect I’ll venture into other areas for other creative folks down the road.

If you are here, following this blog, you know I’m pretty passionate about each of us getting to whatever realm of creativity reveals our magic. More writers writing. More arters arting. More actors acting. More musicians making more music. More inventers inventing. More philosphers philosophizing.

I love the theme of the first box. It just seems a perfect place to start, given my history!  Actual contents are a secret, because the gift- like quality of a subscription box is half the fun! The theme?




Because, guess what? You are not a train going from A to B on the same track every other train is on. You are a writer. You are far more ship-like. Treasures, techniques, cool processes to find your way to chart your course and navigate your writerly life. Fun and Imaginative


And THREE:   Oh my. People are subscribing! The learning curve of finding nice ways to share this new project has been…. well, kind of like climbing a mast. Not much curve, I suppose. Straight up.  I don’t want to play the same old same old rhetoric of sales that is out there in social media. You are too smart for that, anyway. I just want to share what this is and hope people care. And they do care. And I am feeling very happy.

It’s not always easy to do what we love way more often. But this is working for me. I wish for you more of what you love, too.

I invite you to have a peek:  Writerly Kits

I also welcome your feedback!




What is this magic of which I speak?

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book-1012275_1280What is this magic of which I speak? My wish for you to find your magic? This magic that people mention in testimonials? This word, ‘magic’, that seems to be associated with me and my work, even if I have moments that I’m not so sure it’s a fit?

Okay, it’s a fit. My memoir, Beyond All Imaginings, tells the tale of several years where being in the creative process through tragedy and loss opened the door to a realm of magic that may seem fantastical, but is, in fact, true.

Rolling Stones playing on unplugged stereos? Yes. That kind of magic. Enchanted beings sharing their stories? Yes, that, too. Where connecting with family on the otherside becomes a normal? And can be for anyone? Yup. That. Where synchronicities lead to answers in our daily life? Yes.

This post isn’t meant to be about promoting my book but I’m sharing this here because my memoir does tell the story of magic and the creative process.  And it does touch the hearts, and open a little door to magic, of those who read it.
What an amazing book! Powerful story of tragedy, discovery and rebirth. I laughed and I cried and was so delighted with the magic! JL Whitehead please keep writing books!”

Herein lies my passion for all that I do; my knowing that the creative process – the way that people can access that brilliant part of them – is not simply a way to feel a little better in life. It’s the way, especially those creatively inclined, to open the doors to all that they can be, to find the answers to questions that otherwise can’t be answered. (Logic will never reveal the hugeness of who you are. It lives in the world of ‘fitting in.’)

And once that door is open, it doesn’t just stay open while you are writing, or painting, or potting, or singing, or inventing. The magic of it all becomes a part of your whole life. Synchronicities, insights, aha moments, and a contentment knowing that you are more than what we are traditionally taught we are –   that extraordinary feeling that shifts us, fuels us, helps us find our way through struggles, brings us joy and makes life a way better  and more magical place to be.

That’s the kind of magic I’m talking about.



Your story deserves to be told…

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story told_edited-1

If it’s there in a never-ending loop tape of the exciting “Oh, I could add this twist to the story! ” and the less than exciting, “You don’t have time. You need to be making money, or, I dunno, doing dishes,”

Or, “This is going to sell!”  and  “Nobody is ever going to want to read this,”

Or, “This is good. This is so good” and “I can’t write worth sh*t,”

Or, “~deep philosophical thoughts~ ” and “If it was meant to be done, it would be easier. Give up.”

Then you are a writer whose story deserves to be told.

With coaching, and with this more recent almost-launched project, Writerly Kits, I’m pretty happy to help redirect the thoughts, the lack of time, and the fear that keeps getting in the way and share tools that’ll help you get to your written works more often.

Meanwhile, once in awhile, you could just imagine the feeling you have when you are in the flow of writing – your writerly self will like that.

And then there’s also this;  Write, anyway. Even just a little.

Tucking Unboxed Thinking into a Box.

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I’m boxing up unboxed thinking! Like magic, this idea found its way into my thoughts and it has me so inspired. I’m soon launching ‘Writerly Kits’; a subscription box service for writers, emerging writers and wanna be writers.

For the writers here, my vision for you…
Be the bold, brave, kickass, sometimes doubtful, often procrastinating, writer that you are…. but be the one who has all the tools to master the bold, brave and kickass, and who has the techniques to quiet the parts that are getting in the way. That’s what Writerly Kits is bringing to your life. That, and organic specialty coffees or teas to drink only while writing, chocolate to celebrate even getting to one paragraph, and other treasures to remind you that you are truly a writer.

We have a mailing list to keep writers updated. Go here to sign up.

Why this? People can justify personal coaching for life changes, and for that I am grateful, but few writers can justify private coaching to get their written works rolling. Yet, in my coaching practise, more often than not my clients (who arrive for other reasons) reveal a secret wish, a hidden agenda, to write.

On the street, among friends,and posting online, I know of so many people who are haunted to write, but they simply do not get to it. Perhaps you are one of those people. If you and I happened to have a conversation about wanting to write a book, do know that a little piece of me feels sorrow – knowing that without some kind of support, you might not actually get to it.

I know the contentment of completing a book that has haunted me – it’s a rare feeling, like it only belongs to those who finish their book. I want writers to feel that feeling.

If this is you, (a person wanting to write/ finish/ share that book) you’ll know how much holding a story in our mind takes up so much thought energy. Not getting to it at all causes so much regret. And these stories that are not yet told? Our world needs our stories – fiction, memoirs, self-help, poetry, songs, screenplays. Stories are the way we best hear, learn, and process our own thoughts.

And why now?   My blog followers and friends know that I’ve had a challenging number of years. Not too long ago, I finally finished years of medications – important meds to prevent a recurrence – but that played havoc mentally and physically (and damn it, financially.)  I am delighted to be free of pain, and have my usual thinking energy back. I’m thrilled I can enthusiastically get to the things that have been on hold. This project, Writerly Kits, screams “YAY!” to me.  It allows me to play in all my realms of interests and expertise, and that feels so good. From the imaginative process used for Novel Mind clients, to scheming up exciting themes, to creating content (written, graphic, and even, yes, there’s a clay project in the works ), to building a community, this box is like ‘living the dream’ of the unboxed unboxing others with a box!

It’s a pretty box, by the way. Just wait until you see what’s inside.


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Contentment. The part of me that nagged incessantly to do this, the part that haunted me to put it out to the public, the part that kept saying, “I know it’s hard but you can do this,” the perfectionist who insisted on yet another round of edits, the part that whispered “seriously, who would want to read this?”… I noticed all of those parts of me are content as I opened the boxes that just arrived. Phew. (The rest of me is leaping up and down happy)14940009_10154594874820891_7810087987907047616_o