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Category Archives: Movies and Books

Revolutionary Road: Being ‘realistic’ is the end of the dream

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I wrote a research paper when I was studying to be a coach, called ” imagination vs. reality”.  I won’t go into depth here, but the simple fact is:   The moment a person says, “I have to be realistic” – they have allowed cultural and personal beliefs to stop them dead in their tracks in the pursuit of their dream, passion, and true purpose.  

Coaching ‘limiting beliefs’ is what I do.   ‘Being realistic’ is so ingrained in our society’s perceived values, that it takes some creative coaching to help the client skip past that limiting belief, peer into the possibilities, and find the ways to reach those possibilities.  It works.. it always works.  It’s a tough one to get past on your own – get a good coach to help you.

The movie, Revolutionary Road, is extraordinary on many levels – Leonardo Dicaprio’s performance is so deserving of an oscar, it’s hard to believe he wasn’t even nominated.  The story is one that every person who yearns to make changes, who is certain they are not living to their potential, or who have a dream that so far seems ‘unrealistic,’   will want to see.  Fair warning.. this is not a happy movie.  It is however, thought provoking with a very powerful message.

And it might just make you reconsider living realistically.

Announcing ‘The Demise of Noshud Hafta’!

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One small creative expression can change your life…

It is with great pleasure
that I announce the release of my new storybook and art exhibit,

The Demise of

Noshud Hafta 


The Demise of Noshud Hafta CoverThe Exhibit: An adventurous tale told through finely crafted ceramic ‘pages.’
The Book:  A truly unique experience ~ this magical story of a leprechaun on an enchanted journey is illustrated cover to cover with the porcelain and stoneware ‘page’ sculptures.

This is a project very dear to my heart. I wrote the story in 1994. It changed my life.  It just took me awhile before I figured out how to illustrate it and share the message!

My hope is that the story inspires others to recognize what stops them and find their way to pursue the soulful journey of their dreams, as it has me.

“Her pottery, much like herself, is magical and oddly captivating and through her words and intuitive nature she is able to tell stories that engage the reader on a level that is not easily achieved.” 
Quote from article by Tanya Orozco, Echo Magazine.
May 7 2009.

The genre is still a mystery: Is it a children’s book?  A children’s book for adults? An art book?  Or does it deserve its own genre: fantasy self-help?  Either way, it seems to be appealing to all of the above.   The first edition with hand gilded edges is selling well, and a second edition is already in process.  I’m am deeply honoured by the positive response to this storybook. (And yes, if you collect ‘first editions’ you might want to order soon!)

And because I just couldn’t resist this opportunity to provide a tool to further assist others in making their own discoveries.. I also wrote a workbook: You get to go on your own storytelling adventure and defeat your “Noshud Hafta’s!”

Remember: One small creative expression can change your life.

To learn more and to order the storybook or/and workbook
please CLICK here:

The Demise of Noshud Hafta – storybook and workbook

 (Once you get there, be sure to follow the link to ‘browse’ the book. If you went to a bookstore , you’d get to peek through the book. We tried to give you a similar option on the website!)

I’m so honoured by those who have given such positive feedback, and so grateful to all of those who have supported, encouraged, and believed in me!
Thank you!  And Tommi thanks you. 

This is Tommi ripping through the pages on her  journey:

Tommi of The Demise of Noshud Hafta

Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium – oh, what quotes!

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Great quotes to ponder from the magical movie Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium….

“… as she became a grown up, she wasn’t so sure. I don’t know why grown ups don’t believe what they did when they were kids. I mean, aren’t they supposed to be smarter?  What Mahoney needed was the opportunity to prove to herself that she was something more than she believed.”


“37 seconds”
“Great. Well done. Now, we wait.”
“No. We breath. We pulse. We regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create. Our souls ingest.  37 seconds well used is a lifetime.”

“Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.”


Eric Applebaum: My hat’s stuck.
Molly Mahoney: Ha… looks like you’re gonna need a ladder.
Eric Applebaum: Naah. I just need to jump higher.
Molly Mahoney: Eric… that’s seven feet, at least.
Eric Applebaum: Seven feet? Really?
Molly Mahoney: At least.
Eric Applebaum: You think I should get a running start?


Molly: Are you dying?
Mr. Magorium: Light bulbs die, my sweet, I will depart.


I’m moving comments into the main post… because I know the reality is most people won’t read the comments, but the quotes and insights are so worthy:

Posted by Nita:

“I actually love the conversation he has with Mahoney about death, and Shakespeare’s King Lear.

When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He’s written “He dies.” That’s all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is “He dies.” It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with “He dies.” And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it’s only natural to be sad, but not because of the words “He dies.” but because of the life we saw prior to the words.

Mr. Magorium: I’ve lived all five of my acts, Mahoney, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I’m only asking that you turn the page, continue reading… and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest “He died.”

“The Awe-Manac. A Daily Dose of Wonder” I get to be in awe of me!

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Hot off the presses, this is THE book for all of us souls wanting to live life creatively, and awefully.  oh, wait. That didn’t come out right!   Must be the influence of this very funny and powerful book.


I am in AWE!  And from the looks of things, I get to be in awe every day of the year.   And I don’t just get to be in awe of Jill Badonsky, her humour and her brilliant ways of inspiring…. the person I get to be in AWE of every day is me.  Imagine that!  A ‘creative’ in awe of herself!  Who would have thought?  And it won’t even feel like work because each day  I will be enchanted by whimsical artworks,  and inspired by aha-phrodisiacs, doses of mirth, and journal juju’s.  I am a life coach and creativity coach.. I’m a darn good judge of books that work.  This is one of the best.  The other best is Jill’s too.


What makes Jill’s books stand out in any crowd is well… everything.   Soooo, to focus on one thing only for the moment , Jill knows we are human.  We have our ups and downs and we lose our glasses, and we make ‘mistakes.’    Jill knows how to guide a process that makes us feel darn good about that. 


Seriously… if you are a person who is connecting with my blogs and my work, you are very likely a person who deserves to give yourself ‘The Awe-Manac’ for Christmas.  Now away you go.. have a look at this hardcover treasure!

Get this.. it's too good not to.

Get this.. it's too good not to.

Shirley Valentine

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People kept mentioning this movie to me recently… even to the point of calling me Shirley Valentine.  It’s set in Greece, it’s a woman travelling on her own, more or less. …. it has some extraordinary one liners – both humorous and thought provoking.  An inspiring movie for those wanting to make changes in life.  Isn’t it nice of film producers to produce these great movies based on the philosophies of life coaching.. long before life coaching was a known term?  Funny how that works. 

I’m assuming that my being called ‘Shirley Valentine’ doesn’t imply that my friends think I’m off to have a fling… or do they?

Mama Mia – oh how I cried!

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A few weeks ago I went to see Mama Mia.  It made me cry.  Quite a bit actually.  Do not accept this comment as a possible expectation for you, should you happen to be here searching out reviews prior to seeing the movie.  This is NOT what happens to people at this movie.

This is however what happens, when your daughter is about to get married in Greece in real life! – the joyful tears!  

 And some sad ones… because my daughter won’t be having a dad show up to the wedding…. let alone three.  She will have a future Dad-in-law though!!!    I have suggested my girl’s invite the two men that I knew when I was in Greece and Spain years ago… should they happen to be able to find them.. THAT would be fun!  (Gary Sorenson, John Drescoll – call me!)

 Perhaps we should ask some nice white bearded greek man to come as Santa Claus – a private story, but this would make her smile. 

I’m very cool with being “Mama mia” at the wedding… being there for my beautiful daughter,

..and if it happens that I find a nice ‘bed and breakfast’ to buy, even if the window coverings are falling off, and the boys from way back show up, as per the movie, well.. I’m okay with that, too.

speaking of wee ones

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Einstein is good.  The sign language Einstein for Babies movie is perfect for a 9 month old baby who sleeps over at Nana’s (because her Momma needs some sleep,) and baby is cranky and refusing to sleep.  I can’t help but admire those who created this movie that holds the attention and calms such a little ‘un.  Gave Nana the time to think up the next way to try and help baby sleep!     Ya, I only wrote about that cuz movies seems to be a theme.  But really I just wanted to mention beautiful grandaughter Evalee in this blog… Evalee who charms with her smile.. in the way that ‘charms’ means spreading magic!  Makes even her cranky moments adorable.

And then there’s the beautiful 2 1/2 year old grand niece, Avee…. who makes sure that Auntie Janet gets lots of play time.   And who, like Evalee, creates so much wonder and awe for me. 

Considering my passions… isn’t it wonderful I have these little ones to play with?  Makes me much smarter, I think.

Animal School – Raising small souls

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Apparently the obsession to blog after watching movies continues.   Now here’s a very brief movie you can go watch RIGHT NOW.  Go there if you wonder where your passion and gifts have gone.  Go there if you have a child.  (we all know if you don’t do it now, you’re not going to get back to it later. Yup, it’s the way of the internet)    You can read my intro to this brief thought provoking movie…. or skip to end of post to click on the link.. whatever makes you happy!

My passion for rediscovering our passion triggered the writing of “Did you love aliens? – a first step view into your world of passions and gifts.”  And it’s about going to the first place where we knew this stuff – our childhood.   (work/play book is a free download from my website)

The next step will be to notice what stopped us.  Not to beat anybody or anything up over their being the stop sign.  Just noticing, being aware, will break that hidden barrier.  There’s more about that in our next workbook/ workshop available soon.

Animal School, the movie, presents a perspective on this topic that just can’t be ignored.   An ideal message directed to parents and educators.. BUT ALSO, an ideal movie as you consider your passions and gifts; what they are, where’d they go, how are they showing up in your life now, and how can they now play the key role they are meant to play.

Check this out… maybe you’ll find some answers to “what were my passions and gifts?’ and  ‘where’d they go??

And for parents, this is just simply inspirational and empowering.

Now Off you go!  Scoot.  You don’t even need popcorn, this one is so short!  Heck, the popcorn wouldn’t even be popped before the movie is over!

Into the Wild

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Yes, ANOTHER movie.  Into the Wild.  I am speechless. This true story hit me on so many levels that I’m still reflecting speechlessly.

But that makes a bit of a dull post.  So, okay, One thought does keep recurring.  I’ll skirt around the actual movie, so as not to reveal the story if you don’t already know it.

If you had a book that was so valuable to you that it is one of the very few things you keep in a journey of freeing self completely from ‘things’… and you read in it that something you had done would result in a great loss….   Would reading that make the great loss become truth?  If you hadn’t read it, would your soul and body react differently and the ‘great loss’ not happen?

Put into our everyday life…  how much of what we see and hear and trust as truth creates our truth? 

Perspepolis…hmmm, writing about another movie!

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Who could have guessed that this blog would be all about movies? Not me.  I’m very curious about this.

Persepolis.  A film festival film presentation. I wonder what people, who have not lived in Iran, think of this brilliant animated account of a young Iranian woman’s life.  I was impacted in a huge way, having lived in Iran just prior to the revolution in the late 70’s. I was drawn right back to a time I so loved, but did not entirely understand.  I spoke very   little farsi, but knew enough not to speak the Shah’s name in public.  (I didn’t know enough not to try to nonchalantly wander my way up a road to his palace one night.  Dumb.  Fortunately though I wasn’t shot. I think they recognized I was innocently stupid.)

I recall the stories I heard, after the revolution, of how my Iranian friends could no longer go to a grocery store without the risk of being killed.  Being safe at home in Canada, it was a hard vision to imagine.  And a part of me justified that the information I was getting might be wrong.  I learned very early on about the miscommunication of media internationally.  Any traveller learns this, when their families are home sick with worry because of an event in the news… an event that, in some cases may be true but appears much worse because of media, or, in many cases,  is entirely inaccurate.

Off on a tangent, now of media.  Long after I left Iran the news reported that an earthquake had wiped out the entire population of Bandar Pahlavi on the Caspian Sea where I had lived. I was devastated. I thought of the milk man, the bread man, the mechanics.. those gentle and kind people who welcomed this strange little Canadian girl, who never wore a shador, and didn’t know better than to smile at all the men.  (Women too, of course, but it was ‘wrong’ of me to smile at men) 

Much later again, an Iranian family showed up at a garage sale I had.  They had recently arrived in Canada. Lo and behold, I learned my little village had never been hit by an earthquake at all.  Who knows how this became the news that it did, but I have a theory: The town had been named after the Shah’s family, then changed when the Pahlavi’s were ousted.  Perhaps some communication denouncing the name of the village hit the news here as an earthquake.  Literally.  Perhaps a translation error, or a propaganda statement about the evils of the Pahlavi’s or… who knows? 

 Now I could go off on a major tangent about “what we believe to be true.” … a powerful topic for a coach.  But for the moment,  just for a moment, think of an issue or ongoing problem or conflict… think of situation that has weighed heavily on you for some time.  What if you look at the origins of this weighty event, and imagine that some part of it isn’t true….some part is only what you ‘believed’ to be true.   What if you HAD to find that part. Like, ummm, if you don’t create an answer, then chocolate, all chocolate, would disappear off the face of the earth.   (funny that I’d choose that… I’m allergic to chocolate.  Probably me just being safe. If you don’t find an answer and all chocolate disappears, I’m okay with that.  snicker)   … so, what would your answer be?

Back to movie:  When you thirst for knowledge and you finally know you are getting the truth, you are like a sponge wanting to absorb it all.  This was me tonight at the movie.  Not just a ‘good’ story.. finally an accurate one.  All in an animated french film with subtitles. A touching story, a historical documentary, a cultural impression… all this in animation.  Brilliant.

Now, I am honestly curious, what do the rest of you think about this movie?  How did it impact you?