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Monthly Archives: March 2022

I was a left-brain person, once upon a time

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Many years ago,  I was rather left brained.  Even as a kid, the only very obvious sign of my rightbrainedness was my involvement in ‘higher risk’ individual sports but who knew then that that was right brain* process?  In fact when I was a kid, the theory was still that the right brain served no purpose.  Really.

What was curious however, was that I was always an advocate for the creative soul, the artist and the adventurers. This showed up in high school, and really played out in my job as a recreation and community coordinator – evolving in me becoming the arts coordinator.. simply, I suppose, because I cared so much.

Then I took up pottery and all hell broke loose.  Slowly but surely, my beautiful meticulous handwriting shifted to illegible.  My organization skills remained good, but my satisfaction in doing that dwindled.   I got involved in building a major skatepark.. because hanging with skaters and their way of thinking, I could relate to.

Magic happened. Seriously. Magic. Synchronicities. Messages from the universe. The creative process became my way to get through tragedies and losses. It became my ‘meditation.’

The point of this post? Never underestimate the power of the creative process. It’s there for you. At any age. No matter who you think you are based on earlier in your life, or even now.  Worth testing out what more time spent creatively might mean for you, don’t you think?

Blissed or Pissed? Do that, then. (Plus Paper Porcelain)

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I dissolve my porcelain clay in large buckets, breaking it up, stirring and fussing with it for days. And same thing again after adding paper.  Paper in clay allows me to create stronger yet thinner and finer creations.  Especially when using porcelain, it has opened my realms of possibilities into all kinds of wonders: from creating the pages for my published book illustrated in clay (The Demise of Noshud Hafta – none left so can’t send you off to a link.. time for a reprint!)  to translucent sails for ships  to … well.. what I thought was going to be mugs, but are, in fact, bliss pots and pissed pots.

Truth is, it was a fleeting thought to create mugs. I learned 20 years ago not to preplan my clay. I learned not to write ideas down because all I’d ever be doing is writing down ideas.. which is silly because once I show up to the clay, something completely different always emerges.

(I have a whole magical memoir of this creative process of grief, faeries, and mud. I think it’s a worthy read. I continue to be thrilled that I published my story, scary as it was to do.  )

But that’s not the point right now.  I pour my mixture onto plaster bats where the clay becomes ‘sheets’ to create with.  First sheet off the bat? Not a mug. Huh. Seemed like a good idea, but instead strange sacks evolved.. with bolts, and belts, and faerie prints, and some with tags that say “Bliss.”  One that says “Pissed.”

So , as it turns out, the Bliss Pots, highlighted in 24 kt gold because I love gold, are a place to tuck your inspired stuff – like brushes or pencils or crayons or notes reminding you of your vision, dreams, inspired self, and even more important, to honour how much you rock as you are right now.

But Pissed??

That now common phrase “Follow your Bliss” is a very wise direction. Once a phrase become cliche, though, people often don’t stop to even think what they would mean for them.  Whatever gives you a sense of Bliss, do that.  No. Seriously. Do That!  I hear all the thoughts in your head telling you why you can’t.. but work with me here.  Even if you give yourself a few minutes to contemplate the possibility (instead of the often instant, “impossibility”)  you are taking a grand step in live the full you. We have not had a lifetime telling us to honour our bliss… reminders and tiny steps can help us keep choosing the Bliss Path.  Reminders with gold trim are especially fun, my pottery self tells me.

But think about it, Pissed is the same.  Think about issues that you often find yourself ranting about. Really spend time with them.  They, too, give you clues to what matters to you. Perhaps they have a powerful message for you? Can you do something to change the pissed things? Get them out of your life? Make the world a little better by addressing them?

Clay does this for me. Reveals philosophies and messages every time I show up to it.
(Update as this was an older unpublished post: the blissed and pissed pots are long gone. I think it’s time to play in clay more often again!)

Oops. Sorry. Please open this current post for a gift

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Dear Musing Along subscribers whom I am ever so grateful for,

I’m so proud of myself for going through drafts on my blog and publishing the ones I do want to keep, in preparation to download my blog just for safekeeping. But, damn, I realize now you actually are all getting inundated with these posts and I apologize. I mean, did you really want to read my meanderings of going through treatment for cancer 10 years ago that I had never published because it seemed ‘too much’ to put out there? Sure, there’s some timeless posts on creativity too, but really. I’m sorry. And here’s the thing, I’m not done yet. And I honestly cannot find a way to not send them to you. I’ll keep trying, though.

So, here’s a gift for you -some soul soothing creative play!

I’ve often shared this technique with kids, coaching clients, and friends. Many of you are absolutely aware of the power of the creative mind to destress, bring clarity and answers, and to reignite our inner playful kid. Others of you may have your doubts.

However, if you need a little break from the craziness of the world, and the craziness going on in your mind, take 5 minutes and try this:

1. Get out some paper, pencils or pens.

2. Set timer for 1 minute. Sketch the first image. Badly is ideal.

3. Set timer for 1 minute and sketch next image.

4. Continue to sketch all 5 images.

NOTE: perfectionism will stop many of you from trying this. That is why they are 1 minute sketches. There is NO time for perfect, and you are retraining your brain to play creatively without all the brain babbling that can get in the way.

You can make them 2 minute sketches – but much more than that may trigger the perfectionism, or ‘the I’m not an artist’, or all that silly naysaying that can get in the way of the experience.

So, how amazing are you, anyway?

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Chugga chugga, ding ding…I’m the thought at the top.

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“You could be doing more.” your thought at the top of your thought factory states matter of factly, even though you just came in from a brisk little walk.

“You could be doing more.” another thought at the top comments when you woof down a banana and stuff a hand full of spinach in your mouth on your way out to meet with good friends. “You should be sitting down and eating this. You should make a smoothie with more in it. You should be eating more veggies”

(Update: Yes, this is another unfinished draft.  It’s a good reminder to give some thought to the thoughts at the top of your thought factory, though!)

Ten tried and true ways to fit in

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1. All those genius ideas in your head? The ones that are contrary to the norm and might even evolve into something… ugh.. changing! Keep ’em there. In your head.

2. Always always have your home in perfect order, your grass cut, your office space organized and desk clear. Always.

3. Celebrate procrastination. The more time you spend on facebook, the less likely you will produce something that might reveal you are unique and different.

4. Live by the power of positive thought. Believe that one negative thought is going to damage you for eternity. That should keep your mind in such conflict for most of the day, you’ll truly fit in.

5. Never create a mind map. You will discover things you just don’t want to know if you want to fit in. You may also release yearnings to live your life differently.. and then you’re done. You might as well go live in the bush.

6. Never create a mind map in a group of people. It’ll be sure fire proof that you are one of those things that are not like the others. And the others will discover that, too, and the meeting will be adjourned because the goal of a consensus will not achieved.

7. Draw, paint, write, dance, play guitar, act… but only long enough to decide you are not good enough.

March 2022 update.  This was in my drafts for years. There is no number 8, 9, 10. But I love the first 7!