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Monthly Archives: March 2014

Onion Satire and My Crazy Tiny Heritage Log Cabin Home. How did I get here?

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Some things just must be shared and this is one of them:
Find The Thing You’re Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights And Weekends For The Rest Of Your Life
By David Ferguson,31742/?ref=auto

I hope you read it. It’s brilliantly funny. And once you do, you’ll understand when I say this is why I went into recreation and leisure management many years ago… in the hopes that someone might recognize their recreation and leisure time as having potential to be much more a part of their life. Then life coaching came along as a profession and I went there… because snippets of what you love in a week or a month or a year, is just not enough.


cabinAnd so, staying true to what I love…Yes, I’m living in a log cabin. I moved in last week. It’s 160 years old.. the oldest heritage building in our community… cozy and sweet inside with 400 square feet of room for my projects, written works and art works.  It’s on a small farm, near the river where I can paddleboard. And a bonus; it’s a very cool experience for the grandchildren when they visit.

It is a bizarre yet extraordinary thing how visioning can make things happen. I’ve wanted to try simplified tiny house living. I wanted the option to be near water, yet close enough to town that my family and muse friends aren’t far away. And I wanted ‘cheap’ so I could get myself back on my financial feet.  And so here I am.  Even I am surprised I am living here; I was not actively looking, but I was imagining.  A friend heard about it and told me.  Visioning is like that.

A cabin has always been my place to really make things happen.  The timing is perfect; I’m feeling well. I have written works galore from the past couple of years to fine tune and get out there. I have what I hope are inspiring, fun, quirky courses and discovery books just waiting to be shared. I’m delighted to be doing personal coaching again and from this sweet little place. The pottery studio doesn’t fit, but it’s all safely stored for ‘down the road’ but the paints and creative play stuff fills shelves where others might put things like.. dishes, or food.

The last few years have been a knock-down, get-back-up, wild ride… mentally, physically, emotionally, soulfully, and financially.  Wild. Did I mention wild? But being aloft furling sails on a tall ship… well, that will always remind that getting back up includes ‘nothing is impossible.’  And this cabin just happening to be available… reminds me that the Universe is looking out for me.  And now I get  dedicated time in nature to get my creative and career dreams back in gear.  Life is Good. Crazy. Wild. Bizarre. Pretty Amazing.

The whole point of this post? Keep imagining. Make those vision boards. Dream. Trust. Do more of what you love. Take small steps in that direction. Say Yes to opportunities. Know that nothing is impossible.

Overwhelmed and Undermused

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“I’m overwhelmed,” sighed the Undermused, “so much to do, and I never seem to get to what I really want to do.  I really suck. But really, I’m not good enough anyway to write that stupid book. Heck, I can’t write a decent short story. Well, I could when I was young but I don’t have time now cuz I’m so busy. And I don’t have enough  money to go travelling. I’d love to travel. But I should just be happy I have a job at all. There’s just so much to do, and it’s hard to get to the laundry, let alone that I ought to visit my parents, and .. gosh I saw the most amazing poem today on facebook.. but then I really realized how not talented I am and I wish these thoughts of creating and travelling and enjoying life would just go away because it just makes me feel even more overwhelmed at the tasks each day. But seriously, I think there’s so much more to life and I have so many ideas, but I’ll never get to them anyway and people would just think I’m crazy and wasting my time if I did.”

I think all creatives can relate to this at some point or another. I think all creatives reading this can see how much that thinking is not exactly helpful.  Finding a support muse group, or taking a tiny step, anyway, could help.