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Monthly Archives: September 2011

Five reasons why I never get around to doing the things I really want to.

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Friends responded to this:  “Five reasons why I never get around to doing the things I really want to.”  Their answers are worthy of being read!  The friends remain anonymous because somebody didn’t get their permission.  Oops.   My answers are also here, too, can you guess?   LOVE to have you list your five reasons!

1. I have ADD (Attentional Delight and Distraction) issues!
2. I like to organise and sort all my wonderful ideas, supplies and treasures.
3. My studio gets cluttered with stockpiles of supplies and  treasures.
4. Ideas are light and easy to carry around in my head.
5. I keep chasing rainbows……………….

1.  I’m working as a technical writer.
2.  I’m eating (frikkin inconvenient, when the body demands fuel).
3.  I’m sleeping.
4.  On Facebook…
5.  On Facebook…

1.demanding children
2.easily distracted
3.recent addiction to facebook
6.I cant count properly so time gets lost
11. wow that’s 11 reasons

1. doing other things I really want to
2. dreaming up ways to get to what I really want to
3. on facebook
4. got distracted and forgot what I really wanted to get to
5. what if the idea of my great idea is so great that it’s scary to get to it cuz I might find out it wasn’t that great after all?

And from the comments:

1. i clean house instead, because that is easy and how can you go wrong, really?
2. what i really want to do seems too involved and i will have to START somewhere
3. i get lost in finding or needing new materials or equipment
4. etsy snares me and i think, “wow…maybe i should try THAT instead”
5. sometimes i am afraid that the actual piece won’t live up to the idea in my head.

1. Real responsibilities (kids, job, the dishes)
2. Fake responsibilities — you know, those things I take on that really belong to someone else
3. Email
4. Guilt (Aren’t those real and fake responsibilities more important?)
5. The stuff all over the table

I Create my Day by Dr. Joe Dispenza

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The most often referenced interview in the film “What the Bleep do We Know!?”  is Dr. Joe Dispenza’s comments on creating his day.

I am often sending people off to find the transcript. I hope it’s okay to post it here.  Please link on over to What the Bleep at the end to explore that inspiring site.
 “I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen. Now sometimes, because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done, it takes me a little bit to settle down and get to the point of where I’m actually intentionally creating my day. But here’s the thing: When I create my day and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process or the result of my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I accept that that’s possible. (This) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day.

“So if we’re consciously designing our destiny, and if we’re consciously from a spiritual standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life — because reality equals life — then I have this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say, ‘I’m taking this time to create my day and I’m infecting the quantum field. Now if (it) is in fact the observer’s watching me the whole time that I’m doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect, so I’m as surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt that it’s come from you,’ and so I live my life, in a sense, all day long thinking about being a genius or thinking about being the glory and the power of God or thinking about being unconditional love.

“I’ll use living as a genius, for example. And as I do that during parts of the day, I’ll have thoughts that are so amazing, that cause a chill in my physical body, that have come from nowhere. But then I remember that that thought has an associated energy that’s produced an effect in my physical body. Now that’s a subjective experience, but the truth is is that I don’t think that unless I was creating my day to have unlimited thought, that that thought would come.” 

Dr. Joe Dispenza in What the BLEEP Do We Know!? TM

Too Much Information is a Good Thing in an Evolutionary Kind of Way

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     Hurray for our crazy information-inundated world for forcing us quickly into our next phase of mortal evolution:

Fully accessing our intuition and inner knowing!

It’s become nearly impossible to know what is credible, what is not, what email would be valuable to open, what one isn’t valuable in that moment…. even photos no longer tell a truth with everyone having access to photoshop.

The advice out there is overwhelming, conflicting, often inspired only by making money, does not require credentials to give out ‘facts’.. and even credentials, scientific research and the written words we once had some faith in, are questionable.

So, of course, the obvious evolutionary next step is for all of us to use our intuition in all that we do; from what we eat to who we connect with to how we live each day.

Phew. ‘Bout time, I say.  Wanna practise?

Short Sweet Questions: Little ways to practise hearing your own wise inner answers.

Give yourself permission to play this way… small and simple… because each time you recognize you have your own answers, you build trust and open the door to the even bigger realm of intuition.

Difficult situation?

Ask yourself “How can I make this fun or funny?”

This ‘absurd’ question leads to a new way of looking at things and can ease the difficulty at least a little.  I’ve asked myself this, almost sarcastically, in very difficult situations.. and something good, something from the soul,  has always evolved.

Can’t break a habit or pattern that seems to be self sabotaging?

Ask yourself “If I had to come up with a value or a reason it IS important for me to have this current habit/pattern, what is it?”

There is an underlying reason that has enough value to keep us from making a change. Only you have the real answer. And once that answer is out in the open, the next steps will become clearer.

Making choices? Weigh each one out by asking yourself, “How does this one feel in my body?”  

It may not be easy to trust the ‘lighter feeling’ answer automatically.. there’s a lifetime of telling you this is ‘flakey’..but it’s a very cool step towards connecting to what you intuitively already know.

Here’s the best question of all

Ask Yourself: “How do I already access my intuition and knowing? What’s worked for me in the past?”

Creative Delivery of a Powerful Message (and my 7 ¢ about ego)

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Video: “If Dr Seuss Met Eckhart Tolle (Oh,The Places Your Ego Will Go!)”
Scott Kalechstein Grace
Video follows my 7¢ worth about ego)

I love this humorous creative video.. many a powerful message here. I’m going to say almost completely love it because I think ego in general has been given a bad wrap and I don’t want to be sharing stuff that might contribute to a world trying to ‘get rid of’ their ego without my 7¢ worth of input.

Nowadays, everyone is trying to get rid of their ego when in fact it’s necessary part of being human and is not going away.  That’s like saying my leg isn’t working right so let’s cut it off instead of healing it.

This is what I see as ideal:  the soul/intuition provides the direction for our living, and the ego wants to be of service to the soul’s wisdom and  implements that wisdom in a way that still keeps us eating and sheltered (at least until we finally figure out how to create our meals by thought)

.. but alas, the ego ended up taking over control when we lost our ability to truly hear our soul.

It had to. Imagine: If we weren’t listening to our soul that may have whispered, “go this way instead”, something had to say Hello! If you don’t start running now, that leopard is going to feed you to her babies!”

I suspect the ego would much rather we’d listened to the intuition, but when it realized we weren’t… well, it just developed like.. say.. a child might without a healtlhy parent.. doing the best it could with what it knew, but fighting and competing with everything along the way.

The ego just needs a new name, a new job description. a little retraining and to be acknowledged for the good work that it is capable of doing.  Ego “in the passsenger seat” IS a cool concept mentioned at the end of the video.

It’s kind of like the term “God” – for some, the image of a judgemental guy choosing our fate of heaven or hell is so ingrained it cannot be changed to an image of a more loving ‘collective consciousness’ or ‘universe’, you know?  So “the universe” or other terms come into play.  Ego needs an alternate name to be more positively noticed for the work it IS capable of doing: keeping us functioning in an environment that still requires us to eat, be sheltered and not play in a leopard’s den.

That’s my 7 ¢.. I thought it was worth more than 2¢.  Now having said all that.. this is a powerful video. And brilliant

If Dr Seuss Met Eckhart Tolle (Oh,The Places Your Ego Will Go!)
Scott Kalechstein Grace



This led me to find Scott’s very funny post about his new ‘fake’ book – a good little reminder to listen to your soul in making a purchase instead of the outrageous promises you’ll hear.

I do love a good discussion about soul and ego.. your thoughts are welcome here!



Guided Imageries – Not the Woo Woo you might think they are.

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Mental imagery, creative visualization, meditation, journeying– there are many names and varying techniques for this powerful tool that can relax, empower, build confidence, heal and create changes that would have once been considered impossible.

In sport, elite athletes have used visualization techniques for decades.  Science has shown that an athlete who knows his sport meticulously well, can visualize being engaged in the sport and will have the same results physically as if he’d been physically active.  Not only will he develop confidence in his ability and visualize his success, but he will also build measurable muscle strength and blood oxygen levels.  An experienced musician who visualizes being engaged in his music will show the same brain wave patterns as when he is actually engaged in the music… thus making practise possible even when there’s no instrument nearby.

Years ago, I decided to practise this technique. On my last waterski runs of the season, I paid close attention to every detail, action, feeling, smell and sound.  During the winter, I regularly visualized skiing. The following Spring, I skied better on my first day out than I had ever skied in my life. What surprised me even more was that I didn’t have sore muscles the next day.  Already a proponent for the power of imagination, that experience helped me understand the limitless possibilities of our mind.

The possibilities go far beyond success in sport or visualizing a new car.  Visualization can reduce stress, break through barriers, provide inspiration, and clarify an individual’s truths, passions and answers.   Visualizations have been used since ancient times by healers, shamans, and Buddhists as a method of healing and of connecting to spirit. This ability is available to everyone.

So, why aren’t we all practising the art of visualization?  I have come to understand it’s not as simple as the movie ‘The Secret’ would have one think. It can be hard for an individual to stay focussed and we all have unconscious limiting beliefs and barriers that can prevent us from fully experiencing the power of visualization.
One of those limiting beliefs has been taught to us since our childhood. You’ve all heard this and have likely said it yourself:  “It’s only your imagination.” We have a history in our culture of discrediting the power of imagination and sadly, in that process, we have disempowered what could well be the most powerful tool we have.
And that is where guided imageries – visualization led by a ‘guide’- come in.

The guide is there to:

• lead the person to a relaxed and open minded state,

• ease them into a journey of their imagination, encouraging lightness and fun,

• gently keep the person focussed, and

• provide direction towards a discovery.

The person being guided is the one who will create the experience and make the discoveries. In essence, the guide provides the pallet and brushes and helps them stay seated at the easel, while the person being guided is the one who will create the painting and reveal their unique brilliance and discoveries.

Brilliant for adults, yes. But let’s not forget the children. As a child’s trusted parent or caregiver, you have an extraordinary opportunity to encourage and support what children innately already know; before the world confuses and disempowers their ability to imagine and to believe in extraordinary possibilities, and before the responsibility of daily tasks keeps them from giving any time to that powerful tool. Imagine the possibilities if your child never doubts their ability to visualize their strengths and successes– physical, emotional, mental and spiritual; if they never doubt their ability to find their own answers within; and if they have the tools for inspiration, connection to the soul, and healing.

Makes it worth giving it a shot, doesn’t it?

Learn More:

Tips and Tools to lead guided imageries for childen:  Read online Kamloops Momma Magazine Issue 8 Page 10/11

Musings and Mud’s Fall Workshops :

  • Guided Imageries and Creative Visualizations for adults
  • Learn to Lead Guided Imageries for Children


Rockin’ Wisdom from a Four Year Old

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My grandaughter, Evalee, was potting on the wheel again yesterday. Her pot started to collapse but she saved it easily. I commented that that was a very hard thing to do; save a pot that is bending.  She said, “Maybe you could tell people I can save my pots.”

She’s 4. She still remembers that being acknowledged is good for the soul. I hope we don’t take that away from her.

As adults, we can be frightfully independant and constantly insist that being acknowledged is not important. As creative adults, we’ve likely learned this as a direct result of all the really dumb responses we’ve heard from people ‘not -of -like -mind’ (which is at least 80% of the rest of the world)

You know the responses I mean:

Don’t quit your day job.”

I think you should be doing it…. this way, that way, etc etc” –  an endless array of advice that only serves to overwhelm, undervalue, make you feel incompetent, and take the wind out of your sails. Ya, you get the picture.

You’re wasting your time writing.” (painting. dancing, dreaming. even thinking!)

OR how about when they change the topic to something like “oh, and how’s work?” because they think that your wingy right brain thoughts, concepts, and ideas are distracting you from the ‘real meaning of life.’

And especially… the roll of the eyes, because you’ve happened to have a lot of ideas and they doubt you’ll ever bring them to fruition.  Okay, let me say here.. those responding who are uneducated in the ways of the right brain thinker have played a major role in the difficulty in bringing things to fruition.   Support and acknowledgement… it does empower.  Understanding that a creative being HAS many ideas would be one step in educating.  Alas, the poor creative folk have been so misunderstood.

But this is not just about ‘right- brain’, ‘thinking-differently’ folks.  I’m just suggesting that we are less likely than others to seek out acknowledgement because acknowledgement has failed so badly in the past.

There still exists that undercurrent of belief that if you acknowledge any person’s accomplishments, they might get a ‘big head’.  Yes, that myth from way back still lurks.  Big head, my butt.  They’ll get confidence.

And so, learn from my 4 year old grandaughter.  Acknowledgement is empowering. People are meant to have community, a tribe, kindred spirits that support each other. Being empowered by acknowledgement is not being weak… it is an essential part of our being human.

Now,  go tell someone they rock.  Heck, go tell someone you rock. And if you happen to say it to the rolling eye person, laugh out loud, knowing you know something they don’t.

Okay, I’m giggling here.  What if we all went up to anyone who would listen and blurted out our accomplishments?  That would be one heck of a way to find our ‘tribes’!

By the way, I told  Evalee that I posted her accomplishment to my friends on facebook. You know what she said?  “Oh, are you going to write a book about it too?”

Where did that come from I wonder!    She does  TOTALLY rock!!!!  She inspired this post!

ps. Dang, that felt good. My grandaughter knows I’m a writer!