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Monthly Archives: December 2018

Finding Magic, Hearing Crashes on the Rooftop

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painted christmas tree


“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”   




Christmas: it is a celebration of magic, with choices of what that means to each of us…

  • A celebration of the Spirit of Santa, love, family, friends
  • A celebration of spiritual events of many cultures and endless centuries that seem to all coincide with this time of year
  • A celebration of the magic of our earth, the sun, and the galaxy creating seasons, now turned Winter on the solstice.
  • Other (I’m sure some of you have other)

The earth, the universe, the spirits, all the magic – it does just fine on its own without our interference. The gift given to us as mortals is to have the opportunity to notice and truly feel the magic; expand our limited thinking to become a conscious part of it.

And there is a way. At Christmas: there’s another celebration that is key – the children. We need only learn from the children, who know so much more than we who have grown up and had it knocked out of us by some false sense of ‘reality’ and ‘fitting in.’

Innately, we know the children are our gifts and can teach us the magic. At Christmas, we most honour them and their belief in magic, than we do anything else during the season. We act as if it’s our adulting job to humour their imagination, but that’s not true. We do it because we still want to believe and, for the majority of adults, only through the children can we vicariously connect with the magic. Still, we knock it out of them as they grow because as adults we’ve grown a bit stupi… er… less wise. We just follow like sheep with what happened to us.

A child has a brilliant imagination. And, people, it is imagination that is the key to a higher level of connection and knowing. Children ARE wiser and more attune to all that is, than we adults who lose it and then think we are the teachers. No, adults, we are not the teachers. Sure, we can teach good eating habits, and healthy choices, and math and spelling and much more. But not spirituality, not ‘knowing’, not intuition, not inner wisdom, not imagination. Kids are born with all of that. We could, however, be the expert support systems who both learn from the children and support and encourage their way of being.  (And yes, grown ups can relearn… more on that below)

When the child hears the reindeer on the roof, or is certain Santa is in the home – they are right. They’ve connected at a higher level to the extra magic that arrives at Christmas. They can feel it in a way they’ve heard in stories – because Spirit does what it can to help us mortals recognize there is so much more to our universe than what we can see with our eyes.

A scuffling of reindeer hooves heard so clearly in a higher consciousness moment between child and spirit – there is nothing more real than that.

I am fortunate to have had enough otherwise inexplicable magical experiences to allow me to not entirely grow up into an unbelieving adult. And it is because I believe, that I heard the crash on the roof and scuffling of hooves in the wee hours of Christmas this year. It is because I still believe that, (after listening briefly in an adult way to make sure no one was crying), I could simply fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

If you have found the magic, celebrate. If you are searching, find a child. If there is no child nearby,  take yourself back to you childhood. Let go the thought: “It was only my imagination.”  Sometimes a simple writing trigger like the following can be all you need to reconnect:  “I remember that moment of magic when…”

Merry magic to all!

Ps. Those magical experiences I mentioned? I just couldn’t let those stories go unwritten: “Beyond All Imaginings – a magical memoir”