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Monthly Archives: November 2017

Miracles: Art creating itself.

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23826140_10155914672615891_6496158457849454641_oThis happened today.  I did not make it. It made itself.  My yupo paper was tucked upright in the side of a container, along
with my alcohol inks. Today I got the container out and noticed the red alcohol ink container had leaked.

Imagine my astounded surprise when I pulled out the yupo paper and this is what I found.

I have no explanation for why the ink creeped UPwards on the paper, nor why it dried so beautifully, nor why it chose to create a series of dragons and other critters. I do know a book is going to happen from this!!

Ah, the miracle of it all.  I hope art creates itself for me more often.

ps. I’m crazy happy to announce good things happening in my creative world. Of course, it’s not all this kind of miracle – though, sometimes when I get to work with people, we do see some pretty profound magic.  

One good thing?  New business evolution. Please stop by my new coaching, courses and community site  –   It’s still in progress but I’m excited about the courses and community that will begin in January.  There’s a place to sign up for my as always infrequent newsletter if you’d like to stay updated and inspired!  Maybe we can work on getting your art to create itself too. 

Musings and Mud still exists in a whole brand new way – my written works and art projects and meanderings and faeries have their own space. It’s kind of fun to have a space just for that.

Another good thing?  I’ve donated my pottery studio to Kamloops Makerspace – a fantastic place full of creative and innovative people and things.  I’ve been teaching classes, new and experienced potters are getting to hang  out and inspire each other, as well as with techies, carpenters, wood carvers, electricians, digital artists, fabric artists, etc etc. It’s crazy amazing. Kamloops Makerspace.  If you aren’t from around town, Makerspaces are popping up world wide. There might be one in your community, or perhaps you’ll be the one to get one going!