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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Practising the Art of a Bodacious Booty

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I’m noticing that my stretchy pants are getting tight. That made me think, ‘Whoa, you sexy bodacious thing!” So, as I walked about the house, I chose to mindfully be aware of this slightly different body size. I test it out, swinging my hips like only a beautiful full body woman can do. I know I need much more practise, so I pop another butterscotch square in my mouth, savouring the comfort-food-edness of it.

I peek in the mirror to see if my face is gorgeously filling out and wrinkles are disappearing. Have you ever noticed that older woman with fuller faces have less wrinkles and look very young?

I figure now would be a good time to go for that; less wrinkles, more big booty, a confident sexy swagger as I walk; it’s like an opportunity to practise being the actress I always wanted to be!! How cool is that! So, I pop another butterscotch square in my mouth, feeling good about supporting my brave creative adventure by just eating whatever. I washed it down with spinach juice, though, because, as we all know, balance is good.


To my readers,
I know I haven’t been here much, or at all, in the past year. Writerly Kits and other things have kept me away.  In this very challenging time, I thought of you who kindly subscribe to these posts. I thought you’d enjoy a little humour and maybe be inspired to dream up new perspectives to help you right now.  Wishing you all strength, wellness, ways to lift your spirits, and a sprinkle of magic.