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Christmas Letter… Yo Ho Ho Ho

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I’m delighted to share my Christmas letter with you… so many of you are the people who have given me such support. And yes, I include those who keep saying to me, “I haven’t done much.” Each kind word, shared thought, good wish, and humorous comment has lifted my spirits more than you can imagine. Please know that. I know it takes bravery to approach someone dealing with a difficult situation, and you are brave and compassionate sorts, my friends. The letter…

christmas ship copyright jlwYo ho Yo ho, Merry Christmas ! !

Ah, tis an unusual Christmas Time of Year this year. As always, when the Spirit of Santa starts sprinkling the magic, I especially notice the good, the gratitude, the love, the magic. (And some chaos, of course!)

The Spirit of Santa starts sprinkling magic on or about December 1st, I believe. That’s how our December 1st tradition of Christmas Storytime got started. This year, with granddaughters, daughters, their husbands in tow, and one other wee very amazing attendee, Baby in Megan’s Belly!!, we read two new Christmas stories all about Pirates!

Of course, why wouldn’t pirates and adventures and magic be ideal at the best of times, and perhaps even more so what with all the talk of Tall Ships as I went through healing from cancer? I know… seriously, how ridiculous, huh? But there it was, and now 10 months, a couple of surgeries, a lot of treatments later, plus my strange visualizations of my body as a Tall Ship being cared for … well, I feel like I’m setting sail once again. Yo ho Yo ho!

What makes this such an unusual Christmas Time of year … writing cards and thinking of all my friends and family always inspires such gratitude… But this year, I’m overwhelmed by how much gratitude I have!

I get teary that the new baby is on the way…and very soon! I get teary at how my little granddaughters and their Mommy made sure I had lots of fun even through the months of treatments. I get teary at Megan’s calling in the troops to make sure I ate well. I get teary at all of my family’s support. So very grateful.
What I didn’t see coming is the amazing support I’ve also had from precious friends and peers, near and far, and from people I don’t know, and from this crazy wild wondrous community of Kamloops. I tell ya, I choke right up over all of that support that has constantly lifted my spirits, fed my body, helped me financially, made me laugh, (some while they sat with me through chemo!) and encouraged me to get through this particular adventure well. I get teary thinking of the fundraisers and that all those involved would even think to do such a thing for me. And I get teary knowing how much all of the good thoughts and wishes truly make a difference. (All those tears? Happy Tears and Salt water is good for a Tall Ship, I say! Aarrrr!)

I remember when a dear friend went through something similar and I was in awe of the support she had, but I did pause to think that I wouldn’t have such a support system if I’d ever need it. So wrong. Now there’s a belief that everyone can let go of, don’t you think?

I hope my story now is one that makes you smile, a reminder that this world of ours is so full of kick butt amazing people giving unconditionally when others need support. A nice tale to tell at Christmas.

And so, about this unusual overwhelmedness; it’s because I wanted to write individual thank you’s to each and every person, and that could take me a year, and I still get sore joints that won’t let me handwrite so many thank yous.

And so this little letter it is; here with the deepest warmest thoughts sent in appreciation for you, and filled with a whole lotta wild, wondrous, adventurous, magical, and loving wishes for you at Christmas and always. Oh, and a touch of faerie dust, cuz what good pirate doesn’t have a faerie or two?

Yo ho ho ho!!
With Love,

ps. Yes, the letters came with faerie dust, but hey! Look! There’s snowflakes still on this page!  Imagine it’s faerie dust just for you.

About Janet

Author and artist with a tall ship and mystical twist, Certified Professional Life Coach (ICA), Master Creativity Coach (KMCC), Curator/owner of Writerly Kits, workshop leader and creativity group facilitator trainer. Author: 'Beyond All Imaginings'- a magical memoir. (on Amazon, if you are keen, or contact me for a signed copy) Outdoor enthusiast and Tall Ship sailor. Been through breast cancer and found her own tools of play, lightness, creativity, nature, thinking differently and visualization assisted healing through and after treatments. Ever ever so grateful for all the wondrous people she is surrounded by.

3 responses »

  1. Thank you Janet!! I am busy getting ready to depart in just 4 sleeps!! Staying calm but tryng to remember every little thing! Big house, big bills, big business all take big time to organize! Most important are all my many wonderful friends how I am going to miss all of them!! I will be checking my email regularly so please do send me notes ok? I am so glad you are doing well – I expect when I am back we can finally do some sort of a hike. Funny how we both enjoy that so much but have never done it together eh?

    Love and Hugs to Meghan and this new bundle of joy. I am thinking nobody knows what she is having yet? or do you and not saying? Girl? Boy? It really doesn’t matter I am sure!! A miracle none the less. Well gotta run – I am sending you love and positive thoughs xooxox Shleley ___________________________________

    Start each day with a Joyful Heart!! Shelley Haslett – Mary Kay Senior Sales Director Phone: (250) 503-0009 or toll free 1-800-780-3569 Check out my Mary Kay Website at


    • Ah yes, I do know what it takes to go travelling for an extended period of time. Amazed you took time to write here!! I will send you notes. Ditto to you. Even a ‘form letter’ style that you send to a bunch of us makes me happy. Nope, don’t know what Megan is having, though many think a boy.
      We both have such good stuff going on, don’t we?. ~smile~ Much love and happies.


  2. Pingback: A Jamison Christmas Letter: From Me to You | A Daily Journal of my Comp/Rhet Dissertation

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