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Marketing out of the Right Side of the Brain. Profoundly magical, it is.

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So, for all that I do to coach others to discover and fully use the amazing, soulful, magical right side of the brain, I forgot.

I forgot when it came to marketing.  I love all that I do, except the loop tape that plays in my head constantly discussing marketing strategies.  Somehow I got caught up in all the research, social media, and ‘how to’s’ being plastered all over the internet, and started doubting what my more magical side was saying.

It’s okay, don’t panic.  The magical side exists in my coaching, art, writing, and heck, even my waterskiing and travelling. 

It just wasn’t being easily heard over the yelling from the Left Brain saying “advertise here”, “post there”, “send out newsletters regularly”.   Even though, my little business is doing well, Left brain kept saying: “Janet, dear, keep marketing.  Twit, advertise, articles, .. keep it going, keep it going.”

Of course, now that I think of it, I haven’t  followed it’s screeching instructions – but the loop tape kept playing anyway. 

 I refused to market by ‘telling  people what their problem is and how you can fix it.”  I rebelled by putting the following front and center on my webpage: “There’s nothing wrong with you. Nothing. Isn’t that a Relief?” 
But the loop tape kept playing  anyway.

I don’t send out regular newsletters – even though I know that people apparently need constant reminders that a business exists.   The  left brain loop tape probably has some value in it’s constant reminders to do something more regular.  That darn “linear thinkin’, strategic plannin’ ” part of the brain.   But.. well, here again, right brain has won. The little rebel.  Yet the left brain loop tape continued taking up space and weighing heavy.

UNTIL the other day, when I decided to retire the marketing inclined  left brain.  Really.  Retired. Period.  Damn that felt good.   Instead, I didn’t give any thought to marketing. 

That evening I had an ‘aha’.. (oh this is going to seem so dumb coming from me..)  I had an ‘aha’ to simply visualize what I want to happen.  Okay, Okay, I teach people this!  I help people get rid of the ‘limiting beliefs’ that have stopped them from having success with this.  I help people experience the magic that comes from the right creative soulful side of the brain.  But, ya,  like I said, I’d forgotten to do this for myself in the marketing area.

  • And so I visualized gatherings of magical people – with ‘magical’ meaning ‘making the impossible possible.”
  • I visualized people who would be most empowered by my services and products to simply find me.
  • And I visualized that whatever was supposed to happen around me ‘keeping myself out there’ would just happen.
  • And I simply played – over the next two days, I coached, coloured, went to a performance,  watched a movie, and went to a meditation.

NOW HERE”S WHAT HAPPENED  out of the blue (aka out of the magic) within those couple of days:

  • Two new clients with very magical issues contacted me. 
  • I had a blast of orders for the work(play!)books.
  • A profound connection with kindred spirits happened at the gathering.
  • I got an unexpected cheque from an unlikely source.
  • AND the NEW YORK TIMES contacted me for an interview.

Let me tell ya, that right side of the brain sure knows how to market.  And left brain is kick butt happy to be given permission to retire.  Imagine that.

About Janet

Author and artist with a tall ship and mystical twist, Certified Professional Life Coach (ICA), Master Creativity Coach (KMCC), Curator/owner of Writerly Kits, workshop leader and creativity group facilitator trainer. Author: 'Beyond All Imaginings'- a magical memoir. (on Amazon, if you are keen, or contact me for a signed copy) Outdoor enthusiast and Tall Ship sailor. Been through breast cancer and found her own tools of play, lightness, creativity, nature, thinking differently and visualization assisted healing through and after treatments. Ever ever so grateful for all the wondrous people she is surrounded by.

2 responses »

  1. Pingback: I thought you were crazy, faeries, but I ‘retired’ anyway. « if faeries were coaches…

  2. very cool and I have had the same feelings about promoting my music. I will visualize now instead of brainstorm for new ideas. As you know the music biz has morphed totally since Roxanne and I created our childrens album. Oh ,the downloading piracy that most folks see as normal. I want to give our CD’s away for the music to get to the kids and parents and teachers and grandparents cause it is really great stuff of daily living and conversation starting. I also want to repay the investors! perhaps a website with a free sanctioned download would be the way to go and develop performing opportunities. we are both so busy that performing isn’t our first priority. Conferences might be a way to go for teachers en masse.



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