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Tag Archives: how to be creative

Hope Mikal – Artist, Poet, Muse Leader, I have 2 of her paintings, and she’s 22 years old.

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 About The Muse A-Fairian AND the Renegade Muse Interviews:  (because our guest today is involved in the Kamloops Muse A-Fair and is a certified Muse Group Leader) Real people, magical people, inspired people, people I have the blessing of getting to know through my work, people just like you.   In this series, they will be sharing their trials, tribulations, creative passions and reminding you of your wisdom, wonder, and even ‘normalness’.. for a creative soul, that is.  

Self Portrait by Hope Mikal

Hope Mikal
Age 22 
 Artist – Painter, Haiku Writer, Lover Of Photography (and all mediums really!)
Creative Workshop Facilitator

Hope, you are an adventure in creativity… what would  you like people to know for sure?

My ideal creative space is a live demonstration where I am surrounded by others and their positive energy although, I create mostly in my home studio with my art loving cat, Rembrandt. (Janet’s note: I’ve SEEN kitty prints on Hope’s works!)

My pieces have been described as ‘refreshing,’ ‘happy,’ and ‘sensual.’ I’ve even heard my work is a mixture of Rainbow Brite, the 80’s cartoon character and Mary Engelbreit, who is known worldwide as an arts related Martha Stewart.

I’ve always wanted to be an artist ever since I was a child. Through coaching with Janet Whitehead, I realised my worries about money and having a ‘suitable career’ were keeping me from calling myself an ‘artist’. Once I let myself play with paint on a daily basis and publically show my art, it was so satisfying! That was more than two years ago, now my artwork can be viewed year round at The Art We Are in Kamloops, B.C.

I host workshops once in while for creative souls, paint shop windows, love life. I have recently joined on as a Kamloops Arts Council Board Director. In December, I will be at the second annual Muse A-Fair.

Do family and friends support your creativeness?

I am so grateful for my many friends and family who support my artwork. In July, my solo exhibition ‘Rainbow Wonderland’ was a great success because of my many friends who helped me with little things such as picking out an outfit, setting up the food and drinks, and sticking around to enjoy the evening. (One friend even held the chocolate fountain full of melted chocolate in the passenger seat of my car in an attempt to safely get it home for baking. Not a fantastic idea… but let’s just say it was a delicious disaster!)

My fiance, Jordan, is always supporting my crazy ideas, even when our apartment is covered in paint and paper mache, he has a good laugh about it, sometimes he helps with cleaning the huge mess later. When I am talking to myself out loud, he is the little man on my shoulder feeding the conversation.

‘Some Good Karma, Some Bad Writing’ is the name of a writing group I meet up with usually once a week; talking to these lovely friends about projects and life keeps me creatively in check. I believe having a great support system is an important part of being an artist to help one grow… from a hatchling… to taking her first steps out of the nest… and spreading her wings.

(pssst, Hope, do you have this photo in a bigger image file? I’d love for everyone to see that inspiration in your eyes!)

Hope of Hope-Full Universe

Were you a creative kid? An imaginative kid?

As a child, playing outdoors was where I spent a lot of my time. My brother and a few

of the neighbour children played in our two storey tree house, playing ‘house,’ ‘store,’ and ‘librarian.’  I always had my nose in a book, especially during the summer reading program at the local library. In grade five, each student was assigned a journal that we handed in weekly. Mine was filled with reports about the endangered Vanouver Island Marmots, whales, poems, and stories I wrote. Art was my favourite school subject and I’m pretty sure I have always had a passion for painting. The first time I won something was a local poster contest, my grandma and I went on a helicopter ride! Whenever a family member or teacher asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I earnestly replied, ”an artist!”

What does creativity mean to you?

I believe creativity is letting go of expectations and the how to’s. Art is an expression of the soul, of who you are, whatever form it comes in it needs to be acknowledged and patted on the back. Everyone is creative, even a left brained politician doodles on his memos. I really encourage my friends in their creative adventures as Charles Horton Cooley said, “An artist cannot fail; it a success to be one.” My interpretation: it is a success to pay attention, and allow the time, supplies and just ‘show up’ to your art. Anything is possible.

I have two of your paintings in my home that feed my soul!  Please tell us what we can look forward to in the future?

Projects I am currently working on… Well, I need to plan what I’m showing at The Muse A-Fair… haha, which is coming up sooner than later. I have several paintings half finished. One is a stuffed rabbit from my childhood. I am working on getting the eyes ‘just right’. Another one is a set of rainbow surround sound speakers. It’s going to look really cool when it’s done. I’m dreaming big and thinking of writing a book of haiku poetry called Haiku 365, with a haiku and possibly art for every day of the year.

A favourite quote?

“The easiest thing to be in the world is you.
The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be.”
– Leo Buscaglia

 Thanks for having me, Janet! =)

Thanks for inspiring us, Hope!

Who wouldn’t want to contact Hope Mikal , Artist, Writer, and Certified Creative Workshop Facilitator…. here’s where  you can do that!

The Muse A-Fairian Interviews: Meet Una – a tribalmusekin rocking her creative soul

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The Muse A-Fairians Interviews:
Real people, magical people, inspired people, people I have the blessing of getting to know through my work, people just like you.   In this series, they will be sharing their trials, tribulations, creative passions and reminding you of your wisdom, wonder, and even ‘normalness’.. for a creative soul, that is.

Una Connor,

Kamloops BC

Where does your inspiration come from?
I am inspired by the journey and Love of life. Every time I turn a corner I am inspired by nature, other people, and of course the universe…… that is such a great mystery. Sometimes I even go deep enough into my own vortex that I inspire and a-muse myself. Music lights the fires of inspiration deeply, and as I create and listen and dance in between projects and drum to the beats that move me, I hope that my art can inspire the same joy and healing for others.

Do you easily consider yourself an artist?
It’s really apparent that I am an artist, and if I were to say that I am not would be pure denial or loss of self. Every day, even when I don’t want to, my brain somehow transforms everyday life to art somehow.

I can’t look at a crab apple tree without wondering if the star in the middle is a teeny tinny version of an apple, If I cut it in half, can I make cute little tiny stamps for some kind of miniature art project?

Or, walking  I see a weed growing out of a crack, and feel compelled to photograph it, cause you just never know, that could make a really cool tshirt iron on if I decide to make tshirts one day…….

Inspired? Music inspires me! I make art to music all the time and even sing out my frustrations by making up a good venting session to the tune of say, You are my Sunshine.

Every day is an inspiration to see the world through my artists eye. I believe everyone has this within themselves. I consider everyone to be an artist in their own right.

Projects you are working on now?
My most current projects , involve power tools . I have been learning about and using a reciprocal scroll saw, dremel tool and drill, for preparing shells, bone and antler, or tiles and wood for designing and incorporating in home decor designs, sculptures, and jewelry.

I am also currently working on self publishing and promotion /distribution of my  art book called, “My Vision of Energy Healing.” Copies of the book and prints of the art work will be available to order on line soon!

One of the most exciting up and coming events in my current life is The 2nd annual  *Muse a Fair*,along side some of my “Tribalmusekins”( my new favorite add to dictionary word)

We will be showing and promoting and /or selling our creations and ideas and services from Friday Dec 2, 12 – 9 pm to  Dec 3rd 10 am to 4 pm at The Pavillion Theatre, Kamloops BC.  Learn more here!

If you would like to know more about my art, contact me at (web site coming soon!)


Thank you, Una! Grateful to know you! 

The Magic of Creativity

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Creativity…  For me, it is blissful to witness a world that is evolving to recognize the power of our creative being.   Like magic dust finding its way into all nooks and crannies, those who were once considered ‘ordinary mortals’ are now experiencing moments, discoveries and creations that leave them breathless saying, “YES! YES!… but wait a sec, where’d that come from?”

We all know the stories of ‘elite’ genius minds, artists and writers, and their ability to be in a space where brilliant thoughts, ideas, inventions, answers, artwork and stories ‘come to them.”  When asked how these creators got the idea, they often answer, “I don’t know.” or “From God.” or “From spirit.” 
We’ve heard the stories of Da Vinci and Einstein and we’ve commented in awe, “Gifted.”

As we move from the Age of Information to the Age of Conceptualization and Creativity, more and more research, resources and stories are appearing that give credit and value to the creative being in each of us.  Yes, we are all gifted.  We simply need to find our best way to access our creative soulful brilliance.

And that access– whether it be through making art, thinking differently, writing, storytelling, dancing, yoga, playing, using our imagination, singing, visualizing and/or  taking meditative journeys – opens the door to the intuitive, wise, gifted and magical self.  Yes, magical. With ‘magical’ meaning “making the impossible possible.”

I, for one, am gloriously happy that finally.. FINALLY.. the word ‘creativity’  gets to take on its full meaning.  And that soon, when people see the word “creativity’ their first response will no longer be “I haven’t got a creative bone in my body.”  Last I heard we all have a right brain.  And I think that the more creativity is given its value, the more people will realize “Hey, I’ve always been creative… and it’s okay to spend more time with that.”

Simply by reading this and pondering the concept, you have opened a door of awareness and possibility. You might not even notice as old belief systems that have limited you start to melt away.  By reading this, you have taken a step in your pursuit of your unlimited potential as a soulful being.
That was easy enough, wasn’t it?  Yes, it’s all so much simpler than people think.

Christmas is a magical time of year.  Have you noticed how much creativity plays a part in the celebration?  Storytelling, theatre, baking, singing, crafting, decorating…. perhaps we have always naturally known a way to be open to the magic.